Bieber Fever

 Say whaaaat?

Justin Bieber, Love Magazine. Not many similarities there, considering the fact that Love is often under the gun for their affinity with model nudity (See Huffington Post's article on the issue entitled Porn or Art?). That's why it's such a shocker that, for their fifth issue, the good people over at Love chose other than the Biebs for their cover. Yeah, I'm still confused too, especially when the alternate cover is factored into the picture:

 It's not as bad as it looks; technically the one on the left is a man.

  I'll admit it, Bieber's picture is a damn good one. It was, after all, shot by Terry Richardson. But that's where my praise ends and the confusion sets in again. My big question is, what will the shots inside look like? If the Justin Bieber spread is anything like the ones Love usually does then you can bet that there will be a lot of happy Beliebers out there and a nasty child pornography case on Love's hands.


(Images from The Cut and here)

2 remarks

Anonymous said...

if you look in the top right hand corner, it says the androgyny issue, seems to me like they are making fun of the beibs..

Les Deux said...

Hahaha, how perceptive! Love me some funny comments.


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