so today while i was thinking about when the fall/winter 2010 RTW shows are going to happen, and then realized something that the fashion world always seems to make me forget: it's still technically only fall/winter 2009. isn't it funny how the shows can throw you off like that?
anyway, i decided i'd go back and review some of the shows from that season, and while checking out dsquared²'s collection, i came across this look and immediately wanted to share it. while it's obviously a great look just because it's so wearable (thanks for the great styling dsquared!), i'm much more enamored by the layering of the jackets. generally, one doesn't think to put a denim jacket under another coat, and the fact that dsquared made it look totally normal is really great. i also really love their leopard print coat. i go through 2 or 3 week long phases in life during which i either am completely in love with leopard print, or am just indifferent toward it. today, while looking at the latest post on fade to black (one of my new favorite blogs), i entered the stage of love.
back to the look... you don't normally see a leopard print coat in a blazer style, but it looks quite ravishing on ms. masha novoselova.
i'll quit dragging's just such a great outfit..
1 remark
why didn't you come to knoxville!! but its okay we gots 48 weeks!!! so it will happen.
i can SO see you wearing this outfit! its very you! and so fabulously effortless.
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