Go Global

via vogue

Fashion's Night Out: The Show kicked off tonight's FNO festivities with an amazing 171 looks from seven subcategories, plus opening and closing numbers, which were meant to represent major trends for the already-upon-us fall season.  From the pictures that I saw, it looked to be really amazing, like a walking rendition of nine intense Vogue editorials, but it was unfortunately difficult to see a lot of the looks in their entirety.  Luckily for us non-New Yorkers, Vogue graciously snapped each look before it hit the runway and posted it on their website for our viewing pleasure.  Above are some of the looks from my favorite trend, "Go Global," whatever that means.  To me it looks like Nordic-Bohemia...

Anyways, if you're reading this site you likely know that tomorrow is the first official day of NYFW.  Be sure to check back often for pictures and reviews of all the shows we find relevant just as fast as we can get them to you!

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