So i know that we promised a big blog comeback, but unfortunately my DIY project was put on hold by water. Any of you heard about the flooding in the southeast? Yeah, well that little blip on the national news is in my city, destroying power lines, wiping out roads, you know, doing what floods do. It's absolutely ridiculous. I just now got electricity back after 2 or 3 days, and it seems as though roads are clearing up so that I may be able to leave the small island that I now reside on and reach the rest of the world by this afternoon or tomorrow.
On top of that, I wrecked my car the day before all this flooding started happening (my first wreck) and was absolutely freaking out. I'm a good driver, okay!!
So anyway, I hate to make more excuses for Les Deux, but on my part, it's been even busier lately. I'm glad to have electricity back though, because now I can begin to work on the blog as opposed to reading by candlelight.
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