the lucky men and women (and i guess children too; tavi) who attend one (or more) of the big four fashion weeks are clearly the luckiest people alive. they get to pop by tents and venues all over the city and see abbey lee and karlie kloss march all over the runways of some of the most talented people in the world. unfortunately for them, there are way too many shows in a day to see each and every one. i guess the only (and i really mean the only) advantage to not going to fashion week is that you can view the looks from all the shows every day.
as nice as this is, it takes so much time, and as much as i love viewing for hours upon hours each day, after looking at 30 shows in one day, all the looks from designers or shows i'm not the fondest of tend to really blend together.
rather than attempt to review each and every show i see (because it is generally my goal to look at the slides from every show that posts), i'm going to give letter grades to a) my favorite designers, b) outstanding shows, and c) really horrible letdowns.
this is just going to make it easier on me (aka, i'll have time to actually study rather than spend all my time musing on designers i'm not too familiar with) and easier on you so that there aren't 50 new posts every day.
sound good? k.
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