"pure modern english with a classy accent"
all images from style.com
i've had my eye on aquascutum for three years now waiting for a blow-me-away collection, and while this one doesn't completely blow me away, it definitely makes me very happy. i always have been and always will be a big fan of british-looking style (not british style, but british-looking style, because they are quite different), and maybe it's only because i've been reading Jane Eyre, but i kind of fell in love with the super modern, kind of slouchy takes on womenswear from 1900 that michael herz did for fall. the clothes were, as i said before, a bit slouchy, but beautifully tailored enough so that the model didn't look four sizes bigger than usual. way to go, aquascutum.
2 remarks
I just watched this show on style.com before coming here...I agree it wasnt mind blowing but it had alot of amazing elements!
It seems to me that this spring is going to be mesh and army colors...im extremly happy with that.
These outfits are giving me inspiration.
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